2:00 - 3:00 PM Registration and Paperwork
Please line up at the front gate of Red Willow and a summer staff member will sign in and guide you to where your camper's cabin is, who their counselor is and where you are allowed to park.
If you would like or need help carrying your luggage to the cabin, we will have a Gator vehicle available to help.
Go into your camper's cabin to meet the counselor and unpack luggage, either leave your camper in the cabin or they can come with you to the patio outside the Retreat Center where the Camp Directors will be set up to finish any paperwork and drop off any medication your camper will need for their time at Red Willow. We will also have the Canteen open if you want or need any last-minute clothes or items for your camper's stay.
3:00 - 4:00 PM Chapel Service
We invite campers, parents, and local residents to join us in the Chapel to introduce you all to camp, and our staff and start our time together with prayers, songs, and a few words from our Chaplain of the week or the Director of camp.
After the service, we guide you to say your goodbyes to your camper and allow them to continue with the program with their counselor.
If you have any other questions the Directors will be around to assist you and we will be accessible by phone or email throughout the week.
The last day of your camper's program will vary based on the length and date of the camp they are enrolled in.
We have short worship that parents and guardians are welcome to come to at 11:00 am and pack up for home afterward. We will have your camper mostly packed up before you arrive.
The canteen will be open if you are interested in something sold there.
If there are any questions, feel free to call the office of Red Willow or email Alia Jenkins for clarification. We also have a dedicated FAQ page on our website for additional information.
We are looking for chaplains of the week
For more information or questions, please contact the office.